Monday, July 30, 2007

We Miss You Dad!!!!

Ken left for a business trip on Monday and won't be back until Thursday night, so I've decided to 'blog' our activities while he is gone, so he knows what we've been up to!!! :)

Wednesday Morning:

This morning we went out to Thanksgiving Point to the petting zoo! It was a lot of fun and the girls were great. I LOVE this first picture because it captures one of those crazy moments! I had turned my head away from Maya for one second and when I turned back around she was almost in the goat pen! This is her actually climbing down! She was at the top when I caught her. She is fearless....scary for mom! :)

Maya would rather use her hat to feed the calves than wear it!

Aliyah fell asleep on the drive up...made for easier traveling!

Maya loves to ride the ponies and she is pretty good at holding on; however she's getting a little too comfortable and starting petting them today while she was riding.

Aliyah was a good sport today. You could tell she wanted to jump in there and play with Maya. Don't worry Aliyah, you'll be running around with her soon! (She took two strides while crawling today!)

Here we are on the wagon ride.....we miss you dad! (especially was an adventure)

Tuesday Night: Aliyah was just a little crawl but SO fun to watch! Also, I had to grab this picture of Maya showing Aliyah how to crawl! :) (Actually, I think I made such a big fuss over Aliyah crawling that Maya wanted to make sure that I knew she could crawl too! smile) I love my girls! :)

Also Maya said her first prayer today all by herself! She's prayed before but we've always helped her. I wrote it down right after she gave it. I'm not sure I got everything, but here is what I wrote down:

"Heavenly Father, Thanks for this day, thanks for food, thanks for mommy, thanks for Maya, thanks for Aliyah, thanks for daddy, thanks for mommy (i like how i was in there twice!) bless Jesus, bless food, bless Jesus, bless food."

It was SOOO of those amazing rewards of motherhood. Days are long when Ken is gone, but moments like these are worth the hard work!

Last night Maya decided to take "Maya's tiger" up the slide. It was quite a feat to watch her take on! :) She is so funny and always trying something crazy and new (hmmm....reminds me of her dad! ;) )

I had to include this picture of our trip to Wal-Mart! Yes, I know, not too exciting, but the moms out there can appreciate the work a little shopping trip is!

On Tuesday, Maya had some friends come over and play and they had a little snack time! Maya is really starting to like the camera! :) hmmm....does she get that from mom or dad?


Today Ken left for his trip. But, before he took off, he decided to take us all to the water park! It was a fun surprise and we had such a great time. Here we are on the slides!

We went out to eat afterwards at a BBQ place. I guess Maya thought dad's face needed cleaning! :)


Heather said...

Such a beautiful family! I'm excited to keep up with you on your new blog! Thank you for sharing!

Meghan said...

Yay! So glad you jumped on the blog craze... ;) Maybe we can have a playdate this week while Ken's gone. We could come that way since my house is under construction! :)

Unknown said...

Daddy misses you all as well. Love you and thanks for the update!

Cassie Stewart said...

I REALLY wish we could just come over and hang out. I want to see Maya give another prayer! Hey how you are able to see your comments on your page??
love ya-cassie

Unknown said...

It looks like everyone had fun at the petting zoo today. I wish I could be there with you. I'm looking forward to coming home tomorrow. Love, Dad